
In the heart of the Eternal City, a stone’s throw from Piazza di Spagna, the first and only Barber Museum in Italy and in the World originates.
A journey through time will take you back over the centuries to discover memorabilia, stories, secrets and anecdotes from the ancient world of barbershops.

The Project

The Barber Museum wants to be a point of reference and a meeting place for barbers, beard lovers, art lovers, hipster, curious and simple fans of the world of barbers.

Involving barbers from all parts of the world aiming to discover methods, traditions, tools and stories as bizarre as they are fascinating.

This creates a place for comparison and rediscovery where everyone can interact, discover and make their own little contribution.

The Barber Museum is and wants to be a place of sharing in the future, open to all and without entrance fee.


Behind every great project there is a philosophy, a vision, a goal. That of the Barber Museum, built in the heart of central Rome, is to create a meeting place for lovers of the genre.

A reference point for Italians and foreign tourists, a sacred temple for young barbers eager to discover the origins and traditions of this ancient trade.
With great pleasure we have seen, since the day of the inauguration, that in front of relics and anecdotes some visitors remain stupid, amazed and excited.

We saw grandparents illustrating stories to grandchildren, seniors reliving old memories by watching museum pieces and kids spending whole
afternoons reading the stories hidden behind each piece.

Some numbers

Exhibitions and Events
Adherent barbers
Pieces / Mem

Barber shop

  • Abel Pelukeros

    One of the most famous Spanish barbers with workshops in Spain and abroad. He manages a barbershop in Elche, Alicante.

  • Massimo Romano

    Roman barber, born in 1970, founder of the Barber Museum. He manages 4 barbershops, 3 in Italy and 1 in Switzerland and holds courses on barbery.

  • Giuseppe Romano

    Talented class 1987, co-founder of the Barber Museum. He manages 2 barbershops in the center of Rome (Piazza di Spagna and Campo de ‘Fiori).

  • Arthur Rubinoff

    The most famous barber in New York, founder of the Museum of the Barber of New York and manager of 4 barber shops in the heart of the Big Apple.

  • Giovanni Vecchio

    Barber from Lecce , class 1948. Known throughout Italy as “the Maestro”, he was the barber of Pope John Paul II.


Fill out the form below explaining your interest in the Museum of Barber and within a few days our team will be happy to contact you.

I authorize the processing of my personal data, pursuant to Legislative Decree no. 196 of 30 June 2003

Educational Visits

Itineraries and Educational Workshops

Guided tours for school groups of primary and secondary schools, private schools and bodies related to the world of barber. The Barber Museum offers guided tours designed according to the needs of visitors with the possibility of laboratories inside the barberie. For more infocontacts.

Where we Are

By Metro: Piazza di Spagna stop (Metro A) - By Car: Villa Borghese parking under the pedestrian subway to Piazza di Spagna and continue until Via Mario de Fiori, 114