Opening hours: Tuesday/Saturday from 9.00 to 19.00

Van Gogh in Barberia – Vernissage di Alexia Molino

Saturday, March 24 at 17.00 there will be the inauguration of the vernissage “Van Gogh at the BarberShop’’ , with the great painter Alexia Molino.

A Roman artist with numerous exhibitions in Italy and abroad, Alexia Molino has created the triptych “Van Gogh in Barberia” specially for the Barber Museum.

With a fairytale and unmistakable style able to redeem consents from adults and children, the painter will also exhibit all her works related to dreams and imagination.

Other artistic personalities will be the setting for an event where the art of painting and the art of the barbershop will merge into a single union.

The vernissage, with free admission, also includes a finger food aperitif for everyone present.

Where we Are

By Metro: Piazza di Spagna stop (Metro A) - By Car: Villa Borghese parking under the pedestrian subway to Piazza di Spagna and continue until Via Mario de Fiori, 114